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The Lady in the Dunes, Part One

On July 26, 1974, the nude and decomposing corpse of a woman was found on a beach in Provincetown, Massachusetts. The victim had been nearly decapitated; the left side of her skull was crushed, and her hands had been removed. The woman lay on a beach blanket, and what remained of her head rested on a  Read More 
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The Case of the Missing Mummy

This story sounds like something out of William Faulkner. Or Chas. Addams.

Until 2006, a New Hampshire family, the Peaveys, had in their possession the mummified body of a baby boy. Charles Peavey said the family thought of the corpse, which they believed to be the remains of a stillborn son of a great-great uncle,  Read More 
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Kidnapped by Space Aliens

Richard Galpin of the Moscow bureau of the BBC News reports today that Kirsum Ilyumzhinov, president of Kalymkia and president of the World Chess Federation, has claimed he was kidnapped by visiting space aliens, who took him aboard their craft as part of a mission to procure "samples". Precisely what kind of samples is  Read More 
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Great Headlines

"Openings Expected in Mass. School Stabbing Trial" -- Associated Press, April 12, 2010

"Giant Leech with Teeth Found in Peruvian Girl's Nostril" -- WOLF-TV (Orlando, FL.) April 15, 2010

"The Thought of Making Love to Larry King Is Enough to Make Your Hair Stand on End" -- Daily News (NY), April 16, 2010

"Satan Was Given One Too Many Chances"  Read More 
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Channeling Hemingway/The Great Boobquake

Headline from Agence France-Presse:

"Extramarital Sex Fuels Earthquakes: Senior Iran Cleric" -- April 17, 2010

Naturally this is the fault--so to speak--of women. On my next visit to the gynecologist, I'll ask him to check my tectonic plates.

UPDATE: In response to Iranian cleric Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi's proclamation that immodestly dressed women cause earthquakes by leading  Read More 
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More Great Headlines

"Adolf Hitler Nude Sketch for Sale" -- Daily Telegraph (London), February 26, 2010

"Earth Under Attack from Death Star" -- Sun (London), March 12, 2010

"Is It Safer to Sleep with a Cow or a Bat?" -- Toronto Sun, March 20, 2010

"Chickens Seized During Routine Iowa City Traffic Stop" -- Gazette (Cedar Rapids), March 23, 2010

"Killer Icicles Terrorize Russians" --  Read More 
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National Poetry Month

I didn't realize till today that April is National Poetry Month. That being the case, I have interviews posted here on the blog with Maxine Kumin, Simon Ortiz, and Robert Pinsky. Just click on their names, or on the tag "Author Interviews," in the column of Tags to the left.
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Natalee Holloway, Part Five (Natalee Herself)

Too often the victims of crime--and I believe Natalee Holloway was a crime victim--are forgotten, or at least pushed to the background, particularly when the crime is an unsolved one. The actual mystery itself assumes the forefront: people are, naturally enough I suppose, obsessed with the whodunit/howdunit/whydunit aspect of the case. Everybody loves a  Read More 
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Natalee Holloway, Part Four (The Internet Phenomenon)

If the cable stations went wild with the disappearance of Natalee Holloway, the Internet went insane. In the summer of 2005, dozens of online forums devoted to "discussion" of the case sprang up like mushrooms (and toadstools) after a summer rain. Many of them are still in existence.

By the end of the summer of 2005,  Read More 
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Natalee Holloway, Part Three

Well, Joran van der Sloot's latest "confession" went as expected, although this time he managed to work up a few facial contortions intended, I suppose, to simulate grief and remorse, although he was apparently unable to squeeze out an authenticating tear.

Why is he doing this? If his conscience is bothering him--I sincerely doubt  Read More 
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